DBZ-63 Mobile Electric single lubrication pump

DBZ-63 Electric single lubrication pump Small and light|Save time and effort Lightweight mobile electric lubrication pump, it is the lightest and most portable among the many lubrication pumps driven by electricity ...... The advantage of the mobile type is: when there is no condition component lubrication system, can greatly reduce the workload of manual lubrication, all you have to do is turn on the gun! -Compact shape combined with mobile cart structure makes it everywhere and nowhere! -Push it to perform lubrication work, so you can easily complete the task! Compact and lightweight Lightweight mobile electric lubrication pump, it is one of the many electrically driven lubrication pumps, lightweight and portable. Specially improved two-wheeled cart, not only to reduce the size, and two-wheeled compared to three, four-wheeled turning radius is smaller. Let its flexibility go further! Adults can pass through the channel it as no problem! Undoubtedly this structure is more suitable for use in the intricate giant equipment! Save time and effort The advantage of the mobile type is: when there is no condition component lubrication system, you can greatly reduce the workload of manual lubrication, all you have to do is to connect the power - turn on the power - align the lubrication point - turn on the grease gun, then it is to go to the next lubrication point, push it you effortlessly, every corner down! Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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